nike obsession
It’s finally the weekend, and I am ready to get in my comfy clothes and do all the things that my week doesn’t allow me to do! This weekend I have made it a goal to not only get some good work outs in, but to also come up with a fun plan to share cool work outs I come across, yummy food I inhale, clothing that needs to live in my closet, etc. (like I mentioned in one of my previous posts) If you follow me on Instagram, I have been posting little workouts here and there on my story, but I am curious to know if I were to post videos and such on my feed, if that would be something people would enjoy. Right now my feed is quite professional (meaning I try and keep my photos high quality), but I kind of want to be able to post some real life things! Thoughts? Lot’s of back and forth going through my head right now. Help!
I also want to know how you all are staying in shape. What work outs do you enjoy? What do you eat? Can anyone teach me how to cook? You know, all of the important things.
Enough with my ramble. I will let you all get to your fun Friday night plans!
xo, paige
photos by samantha stapley photography
sweatshirt: nordstrom + nike
leggings: nordstrom + nike
shoes: nike
One Comment
Ramiro Flores
Great choice of location and especially the activewear attire. I recently viewed the Netflix Orinal Series “Abstract.” Followed the amazing telling of the design and purpose of footwear for pop culture, (Back to the Future) and proper training practices, and athlete endorsement!