It’s that time of year when we all get our pen and paper out and write down our goals for the new year, right? I’ve gotta be honest..I haven’t done that for the past couple of years. I’ll think about things that I want to do, but never write them down. I personally have felt like it’s too big of a commitment and i don’t want to disappoint myself if I don’t accomplish what’s on my list. Lame, I know.
You know that picture you’ve seen with a male brain vs a female brain? The males have like a few squiggly lines, but the females have like a thousand squiggly lines? That picture of the female brain is me right now. I have SOOOO many things that have been racing around in my brain. Because of this, I feel so overwhelmed that I don’t even know where to start. BUT I read an article that really helped me. It suggested to set “SMART” goals. Let me break it down:
T-ime Bound
I am going to be realistic with my goals. Yes, some of them will be hard! It’s necessary for me to challenge myself. Maybe I will set some that are both easy and hard. I will make sure to keep my goals in line with my priorities. I will define where I want to end up. Set dates. I VOW WRITE DOWN MY GOALS. haha When you write down your goals, those goals become more tangible. Then…I will sit down and make an action plan for each goal! Phew. Seems like a lot to do, but I am 100% ready for the challenge.
I am going to let you in on a couple of my goals. I am scared to write it on here because I will be so embarrassed if I don’t accomplish it! You guys…before I tell you, there is something you need to know about me if you don’t know me already. I want to help so many people in this world. I want to do incredible things for others and actually make some sort of difference in this crazy world. BUT the other things you need to know, is that I am afraid. This has been my biggest blocker the past couple of years. I want to do so many things, but then talk myself out of it because I tend to think low of myself. So goal #1 is to “just go for it.” No fear. No hesitation. It is going to be a tough one.
My second goal…I want to eventually turn my content into something greater. I love creating, styling, photography, etc, but there has got to be more to it. Not only do I want to partner with these companies who reach out, but I want to do something bigger than a content collab. I want to partner with an athleisure brand and send gym clothes or gym supplies to schools or kids who lack it. I want to partner with brands who also have the same goals in mind. To help others. This world, the fashion and beauty world, can be so worldly and surface leveled. I want my platform to be more than that! This year, I am going to try to do that! If any of you have ANY ideas, send them my way.
Let’s all work together!
p.s. This is one of my fave outfits I have shot since being back in Utah! ITS AFFORDABLE! Couldn’t wait to blog it.