Decisions Stress Me Out…
When all is said and done, I suck at making decisions. Especially when they are big decisions! I understand that I make lots of little decisions unconsciously everyday, but when it comes to big decisions I find myself getting really stressed out! I recognized that when it comes to me making a big decision, I only list the cons. I get fearful. I tend to point out every little thing that could go wrong. As you could imagine, the longer I go back and forth, it prolongs a result that could end up changing my life. Sounds dramatic, but it’s so true!
I am currently going through this as we speak. I have a decision I need to make and I have been making myself so anxious! As I sit here, it has boiled down to me being scared. Even though an opportunity was presented to me, I still am sitting here telling myself that I am not good enough, that I will mess it up, I wont live up to someones expectations, that I will not succeed, etc.
One of my cute followers, Jacquelina, has been one to send me motivational quotes, passages from books, and reminders that just being me is enough! She has been my little angel. Especially this week! Because of her and her thoughts, I have had the courage to push my fears aside and MADE A DECISION! I also turned to Pinterest to find a few quotes to help me and came across this one:
“Decisions. We can think about things a million times, play out possible scenarios, but really when it comes down to it, you have to go with your heart and move forward. Maybe thing will go well. Maybe they will turn out poorly. Every decision brings with it some good, some bad, some lessons, and some luck. The only thing that is for sure is that indecision steals many years from people who wind up wishing they’d just had the courage.”
I’ve always been told to go with the choice that scares me, because that decision is what is going to help me grow. BUT…I ALWAYS LET FEAR GET IN THE WAY, and months down the road I am shaking my head at myself because i could have been steps ahead if I would have been fearless. So, here I am, telling you all that I am going to do my best to move forward with decisions based on possibility and hope. I am no longer going to make decisions based on where I am at in my life now, but where I want to be.
It’s better to say “opps” then to think “what if”, right?
Do you all struggle with decision making? Tell me your secrets.

ski set top: sweaty betty | ski set bottoms: sweaty betty | hat: sweaty betty | boots: columbia (old) | lippy: nyx

So, What is the new move? We are excited to find out and share this journey with you.. We love and support you!
Paige Arminta Watts
You are so nice! I will tell you guys soon! xoxo