How well do you know Paige Arminta?
Hiiiiii! This blog post was SOOOOO fun for me to write! I didn’t get to EVERYONE’S questions that were submitted via my Instagram Story, but there are 46 questions below that will give you a little look into my personal life!
- What religion do I practice: I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.
- What has been one of my hardest obstacles in my life and how did I get through it? I am not going to go into much detail here, because it is very personal and doesn’t only involve me. My life took an unexpected turn when I was going into high school. The life that I imagined, would never be a reality. I was in a sad place, but faking to be in a happy place every time I stepped into my high school halls. The two things that got me through this time was my family and the relationship I had with God. I sometimes still feel sad and a bit messed up from this situation, but I do know that this trial made me a very strong, yet sensitive woman.
- When was my last serious relationship, and who was it with? HAHAHA I am not saying with who, he’d prob kill me. We cut ties almost a year ago. I must say, he broke my heart! I’m good now though! I never thought I would be. So, if you are feeling like there isn’t a light at then end of the tunnel OR that you wont ever find anyone else, YOU WILL! You are amazing. And please remember that you deserve the world.
- What is my hidden talent? I have a decent singing voice but am too afraid to share it with anyone!
- Do I prefer waffles or pancakes? Waffles!
- How was my high school experience? It was BUSY. I was on the cheerleading team and the tennis team! I basically lived at the school. I definitely tried to get involved and attend all of the school activities too! It did have it’s up and downs though. I went through some of my hardest times in high school. Family issues. Rumors were spread. Threats thrown my way from some crazy people. Luckily I came out on top and pulled through some very dark times!
- Do I have eyelash extensions? I do not! My mom has amazing eyelashes, so I lucked out! Now the hair on my head…didn’t luck out there! I wear extensions whenever my hair is down.
- What mascara do I use? I have two that I go back and forth with! L’Oreal Paris Voluminous and Maybelline Total Temptation (not waterproof) I have used them for A LONG LONG time.
- What are my go-to travel friendly wardrobe pieces? I ALWAYS take the following: black jeans, lighter jeans, white tee or tank, black tee or tank, a jacket that you can dress up or down! In all honesty, I am TERRIBLE at packing. I over pack and end up wearing the same thing every day. I am not the person to go to when you need packing tips!
- What is my favorite color? Turquoise
- How do I maintain a joyful and positive attitude? First let me say that I am not ALWAYS positive. Especially when it comes to myself. I am very hard on myself and with that come negative self talk. When I do hit these negative lows here are a few things that I do to bring positivity and joy back into my life:
- I find talks that relate to what I am going through on Church of Jesus Christ website. Whether you are religious or not, the talks on here can hit home to anyone in any walk of life
- I keep a gratitude section on my phone. I go through phases, but I TRY to add things to that list every day, and when I am having a pity party for myself, I will look at that list and see everything that I have been blessed with.
- I try to surround myself around people who are positive and trying to make a difference in the world. Someone once told me “you are who you spend the most time with.” That has always stuck with me!
- What motivates me to workout? I grew up super active. My family was always out running around or playing sports. Luckily for me it is just a habit. The main reason I go is because I LOVE the way it makes me feel. I don’t necessarily love working out, but I notice a really big negative difference in my daily life when I let myself get lazy.
- How many siblings do you have? I have 4 siblings! I have three older brothers and one older sister. They are all married to amazing people and they all have the cutest kiddos! We all still have awesome relationships with each other and they are so crazy supportive of all my crazy life journeys I take. I would NOT be where I am today without them and their examples.
- What is a memorable childhood memory that shows you that you have always been a creative person? I don’t have the best memory, but I do remember one specific night and I think that it shows my creativity! I have LOTS of girl cousins who are all close in age. #TeamWatts haha We would hang out at my grandparents every Sunday and put on “shows” for the parents. I wanted to do a fashion show and make all of the dresses out of home necessities. We made dresses out of napkins and flatware, sheets, paper plates. Honestly, it was so awesome!
- What are some of my passions in life? I am passionate about people. I love meeting new people and hearing their stories. I am passionate about personal growth. I have a love/hate relationship with putting myself in positions where I either sink or swim. I am passionate about creativity. I am passionate about traveling and seeing the beautiful world God has created!
- What is my astrological sign? Aries
- Out of all the magical/mythical creatures that you know of, which one do you most identify with? Ummmmm this isn’t really my thing, Shrek maybe? HAHA just kidding. I don’t know! Maybe a mermaid of some sort? I have no idea…SORRY!
- What did I want to be when I was a child? An orthodontist! hahaha
- What were my hobbies growing up? Fortunately, I had the opportunity to be involved in lots of different groups and activities! The things that I enjoyed the most/took up most of my time were the following:
- Tennis: My grandpa started coaching all of us Watts girls around age 6. I then started tennis lesson at a sports club at age 10-15. Then I played on my high school tennis team from 15-until i graduated!
- The Singing Connection: I was in a singing and dancing group from age 3-13. We would have sets we would perform at different locations in Utah! We even performed on a cruise ship! haha I was OBSESSED. I love both singing and dancing! If you ask me to go to a dance class/go out dancing or karaoke, the odds of me saying yes are pretty high!
- What is your favorite memory involving my siblings? My parents took all of us on a service project to Bolivia. I was 13. I remember this like it was yesterday! I remember my brothers working so hard to get all homes set up with adobe stoves. I remember my sister taking care of the children in the village. She painted their nails and played games with them! All of this not only opened up my eyes to the world and the different lives people are living, but it opened my eyes to how hard working and caring my siblings are.
- What are my interests? Art, traveling, sports, fitness!
- What is my favorite place I have traveled to? Santorini, Greece!
- Where do I want to travel to next? SO MANY PLACES! NZ, Australia, Bora Bora, Bali, Spain, Egypt, etc.
- What is something that made me who I am today? I know I just mentioned this in questions 19, but the very first service trip my parents took me on changed my life. How?
- It was my first time experiencing life in a third world country. My mind, as a 13 year old, was blown. This little village had ONE bathroom. It was a hole in the ground. I saw the food that they ate. They had only a few outfits they’d rotate. They washed their clothes in the river on rocks. It was then that my perspective changed.
- Because of this trip, I believe it opened my heart up to loving EVERYONE. If you ask my family about my friends, they would tell you that I am friends with the United Nations. I had/have friends from every walk of life and friends from all over the world. I learned, as a 13 year old, to love and befriends everyone no matter where they came from or the circumstance that they lived.
- What has been my fitness and mental health journey with dieting and media? Oh boy. If you read my last blog post, you may understand that I do have issues with my body. For me, it didn’t start with social media. I have ALWAYS been very self conscious about my body. I can remember feeling “fat” in Jr. High. But I think my real body issues started when I was living in LA and working as a styling assistant to a celebrity stylist. The conversations I would hear from the models or celebrities about their bodies (when they were size 00-2) made my feel like I was the largest person on the planet. I have ALWAYS worked out hard. I don’t remember a time where I didn’t workout out 6 days a week. I do that now, because it makes me feel good! I don’t like to go a day without it. All in all, it is battle. Comparison is real. I am sensitive and emotional and I get caught up in the worldly things more than I would like to. I have amazing friends and family to remind me what is most important and bring me back down to earth when I can’t get there myself.
- What is my favorite way to shut down from the world and find that inner “zen”? This is going to sound basic, but working out!
- Am I close to my parents? Yes! I talk to my Mom about 10 times a day! haha And I talk to my dad once a day! They are my biggest supporters.
- What is something on my bucket list you hope to accomplish this year? Call me crazy, but I want to fight in a real boxing match. IM JUST SCARED.
- What is my skincare routine? You might all think this is crazy or gross, but I have NEVER used soap on my face. I wash my face with hot water. I then lather my face with Vaseline Lotion. In the mornings I rub in a few drops of Rosehip Triple C+E firming oil on my face and neck.
- What is my biggest fear? Call me crazy, but with how the world is, and with close family friends experiencing this, being attacked/raped/kidnapped literally haunts my thoughts. That’s why I take boxing classes…haha
- How do I handle pressure? I am a hott mess when it comes to pressure, BUT I do better when under pressure. I have a love-hate relationship with it. I shut most people out. I get quiet. Maybe get a little bitchy haha but I will not stop think about what needs to be done, until it is done!
- Where do I see myself in 5 years (job, life, location, etc)? I hope to still be creating! I don’t know how this industry is going to evolve, but I KNOW I will be creating something for someone or myself! I would love to be married with kids too! I DO NOT care where I live! This girl is open to moving MOST anywhere!
- How do I keep myself motivated? I do not like to let people down. Growing up, everyone around me was motivated and worked really hard for what they wanted. All my uncles are very successful in their field. My dad has built his own successful business. My brothers are the definition of motivation. My mom has taught me to NEVER give up. Because I was surrounded by these people and positive talk about being motivated and going for what you want, I have learned that there is not alternative. I want to be well rounded and successful so my family will be proud of me AND so I can teach my future kids to be the same way! Some days I do not want to do anything, but I feel a bit guilty just sitting around. And if I am sitting around, I always seem to be brainstorming what shoots, blog posts, etc, I can do next!
- What is my favorite scenery to shoot in? Anywhere outside! I am not a fan of studio shoots!
- What is my “end goal” in life/what do I wish to accomplish? I don’t think I have an “end goal”. When the creative world evolves, I want to evolve with it. I want to always be challenging myself AND inspiring others. Maybe I wont be creating my whole life, but I think I will always try to find a way to connect with people and inspire them in their daily lives. That is what I want to accomplish! And of course, I want to raise my own children and have a family that will hopefully strive to do the same thing!
- What did I do before I put my time into Instagram? Here is the quick break down. Before I took Instagram seriously, I was living in LA. I moved out there and worked for a celebrity stylist for a year. It didn’t fulfill me in the way that I needed, so I ended up landing a job at The Walt Disney company doing influencer marketing. Once I was done with LA, I moved back to Utah and worked as a social media consultant for Wooly, and then made my way over to Enso Rings running all of their socials. Then I had my moment of…GO FOR WHAT YOU WANT AND TRY TO DO THIS INSTAGRAM THING FULL TIME! and here I am…
- Do I want to be a Mom? HELL YA!
- What is my favorite Disney movie and why? Mulan. Because she is a badass!
- Did I ever go to college? Yes! I went to Utah Valley University and I also went to FIDM.
- What food can I not live without? I think I would DIE without eggs!
- Who or what do I turn to in times of tribulation? Surprisingly, in times of need, I turn to our Hymns we sing in church. Music brings the spirit into my life more than anything else. But also, I turn to my Mom and Dad A LOT. They have both been through a lot and, most times, know the best things to say or do to get this girl back in a beautiful place.
- What is your biggest insecurity? Physically, my stomach. Mentally, not being good enough. Whether its for work, relationships, sports, etc.
- What is my favorite color to wear right now? Ohhhh…I am loving blues!
- Where does your middle name come from? It is my 4th great grandmothers name! She was a Crow Indian. Her name was Arminta Crow. Pretty cool, right?!
- What is your favorite thing about yourself? I love my love for others. I am a zero or one hundred person. I want everyone to feel loved and included. I would drop anything in the world for the people I love most.
- What is my favorite ice cream flavor: I don’t love ice cream! I am a frozen yogurt girl. I go for the chocolatey flavors. I don’t like “fruity” dessert.
If I didn’t answer any questions you had, slide into my DMs! I would love to chat!

Great post Paige! Thank you for sharing more about yourself with us. It sounds like you’re really close to your family; which is lovely. I’m also impressed by your working out 6 days a week. Lastly, I couldn’t live without eggs either. They literally are my lifeline. Lol. Xx
Hi Paige!
It was so great finding you on Instagram and then reading this post. After reading it I want to be friends!! Hahah
Was it a hard decision for you to move back to Utah? I recently moved from Northern California to Southern California to pursue acting, but now I’m not sure it’s going to be the lifestyle I want & I really miss my family! My big sister back home is going to have a baby & I’m feeling like spending time with family might be a more important priority for me. I’ve been praying about it, but it’s all still so unclear which path I should take. How did you ultimately decide? Are you ever afraid of looking back and regretting? It’s such a real fear for me.
All the best,